Being confident to ask for the prices you deserve and knowing you'll get them

that's what Price Without FearTM feels like

A simple approach for business to business companies 
to win more sales, more often at higher prices

Are you a CEO, MD, Sales or Marketing Director who's dealing with these issues?

You’re frustrated your Sales team compete on price and discount too much and too quickly to win sales/new business.

You fear you may be undervalued, missing out on profit and not realising your full potential.

You want to increase prices but scared you'll lose customers. 

You’re not sure what your prices should be? You want to win the business but don't want to undervalue your product and service, how should you set your prices?

Your team aren't winning enough business, despite having the best product and offer in the market.

You're fed up with customers who always want more for less and price reductions. How can you avoid this? 

Then you're in the right place

Imagine what your business would be like and how you'd feel if these problems no longer existed?

You're level of success will depend on your teams ability to master these Four Powers


Discover, understand and quantify value and what's important to your customers
find out more


Value based pricing is the most profitable approach you can take
find out more

Value communication & selling

Learn how to powerfully communicate and sell your value
find out more


Secure and protect your value - negotiating with confidence and strength
find out more

These Four Powers combine to create a sweet spot where you get the maximum return for your effort

Each of these skills is powerful 
Used together, they’re compelling 
When combined, they become irresistible

The impact - outcomes, results and value

Grow revenue, margins and profit

Achieve a higher Price and margin

Win more sales more often at a higher price

Win sales quicker, keep customers longer

Working together we'll help you and your team master these Four Powers and hit this sweet spot 
which means you Price without Fear, communicate and sell your value
and negotiate with confidence and strength 
to win more sales, more often at higher prices
And achieve the profits you deserve

 Three options to help you price, sell and negotiate better

Price Without Fear High Impact Profit Growth programme 
A structured programme to grow your revenue, margins and profit
find out more
Price Negotiation Partner programme

Conquer your fears and negotiate prices with confidence
find out more
Speaking, workshops and seminars

Support for you and your teams - challenging, thought provoking, inspiring
find out more

Grow your knowledge, learn the skills and build the tools

Practice and role play to improve your skills 

 Implement a successful and repeatable process

Reinforcement - build the right habits, change behaviour, gain momentum

Imagine the confidence you get from knowing what your customer really wants 

Imagine being so clear about your proposition, your differentiation and the value and results you get your customers

They just 'get' what you can do for them

And because they 'get' what you can do for them

Winning sales is easier. You don't need to negotiate

And customers are happy to pay the price you want

That's how Pricing without Fear feels

Winning more sales, more often at higher prices

 What do you want your world to feel like?

Being seen as a commodity, the same as the rest



Be known as the most valuable provider

Charge the same prices as everyone else


Command and get a price premium

Present an undifferentiated feature led presentation 


Powerfully communicate your value

Be fearful of discussing prices and miss out on opportunities


Negotiate with confidence and strength

To win more sales, more often, at a higher price
you need to master and combine the four skills to realise the potential in you and your team and win the best deals, quicker



Value communication and selling


By combining these four skills our clients achieve these outcomes and results ...

  • Increase Sales / deal value by over 20% through better pricing and higher margins which means significant profit growth.
  • Reduce Discounting by between 20 to 25% which means higher margins.
  • Increased number of deals closed successfully by over 10% which means greater sales revenue/turnover.
  • Fewer delayed buying decisions, reduce sales cycle by up to 25% which means quicker sales and better cash flow.
  • Build compelling and powerful differentiation in products/services creating advantage in price and sales preference which means more efficient selling.
  • Avoid margin leakage through strong Negotiation which means more margin is secured and protected.
  • Longer lasting relationships with their customers which means reducing churn and less cost of acquiring new business.

I work with B2B companies in a range of sectors

Who are great at what they do, compete on the greater value and results they get their customers, using their differentiation to win.

They're ambitious and believe they can achieve more and want to make sure they are not undervalued or commoditised.

They win more sales more often at higher prices and so achieve the profit they deserve and earn what they're worth for their great products and services.

What people just like you say...

"Andrew understands business strategy better than anyone and his solutions always take into account the successful direction of your business. If you need to significantly improve your organisations growth and ultimately your future success, it’s worth you checking out Andrew's services.”
CEO, Exec Coach.
"Andrew was able to help us prepare for a critical contract negotiation by assisting us to identify our key strengths and establishing a logical framework in which to guide the negotiations. This enabled us to maximise our negotiation position and undoubtedly helped us to achieve the best possible outcome. His mentoring approach built confidence and enabled us to approach negotiations with a stronger and more positive outlook".
MD at Smith and Morris Retail Ltd.
"Andrew's passion for negotiating has helped myself and my Team to gain a better understanding of negotiating. This had led to better negotiating which in turn has helped us achieve better results. Everyone should regualry review their negotiating skills."
Managing Director, National FMCG company.
"Andrew knows his pricing inside out and back to front. He knows the theory and the practical. He knows how to get C suite buy in and then get it actually implemented at the point of purchase. Apart from all that he's a great sounding board, completely trustworthy and a good guy to have on board."
Marketing Director, Global Manufacturing Co.

Why this approach is       different 

  • Our unique approach and Sweet Spot methodology is based on recognised theories and practices and proven through years of having an impact, achieving results and growing value.
  • I work with your team to develop the simple, practical tools that work for them and build their knowledge and skills so they can do it on their own. 
  • This approach is different because it is solely focused on winning more sales/business, more often AND at a price premium.  

How do we achieve these results?

By focusing on
    Value selling

Using our Price without Fear ‘sweet spot’ approach …
  • Discover and quantify your true differentiated value to your customers - be positioned as the Most Valuable Provider 
  • Price to your value, unleash your Pricing Power and achieve a price premium and maximise profit …
be armed to…
  • Powerfully communicate and sell your value ...
  • Negotiate with confidence and strength to capture, secure and protect your value.
Which means you win more sales, more often, at much higher price and value ...

And because you use my proven methodology, results oriented approach and simple, practical, “how to” steps & tools… you achieve the results you want faster, easier, more efficiently - with greater certainty and less risk. 

Which means you achieve the profit you deserve and earn what you’re truly worth.

Let’s discuss how we can work together

When you contact me, I'll call you back - you'll get me, not a calendar scheduling app

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