The Price without Fear truth

Have you ever felt you’re pricing your products too low?

Have you come under pressure from customers to reduce your price to win their business? Have you reduced your price to match competitors. Despite having a better offer? You want to win the business but don't want to undervalue yourself?

Have you lacked confidence and priced too low? Don’t you feel annoyed at yourself for doing so?

Isn’t it frustrating when you don’t achieve the prices you deserve?

Your customers don’t seem to understand the value of what you do, that’s why they’re not prepared to pay the price you want. What you do know is that your product is really good for your customer. And that they’ll get great results from working with you.

You know if your customer perceives your offer to be more valueable than others they’ll prefer it. However you find it difficult to communicate your offer in a compelling way. If you could they’d just ‘get it’ and be willing to pay the price you want.

So how much profit are you missing out on because your customers don’t just 'get it'?

How much do you under price your product to overcome this? How much are you undervaluing yourself? Pricing is the most powerful profit lever you have. What price should you charge? 

Who knows what the right price is?

Have you ever thought about buying a product and not really known if the price was right? Whether the value was worth the price? And after you’ve bought the product felt you paid too much or too little? The product was great value or a disappointment? You could be pleased, disappointed, angry. You’re just not sure.

That’s how your customers feel 

Most people don’t know the price of anything. Especially if it’s a one off, infrequent or specialist product or service. We all use our past experience. Or comparisons. Or our expectations to judge what prices should be. This makes setting prices difficult. 

So why do we find it difficult to set the prices we want?

And get customers to buy at those prices?

It’s not as difficult as you imagine

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Introducing Pricing Power

Your ability to get the prices you deserve for the results you deliver for your customers is called Pricing Power. Having the skills to set your prices at a level you deserve. The confidence to ask for them. And your customers being willing to pay the prices you want. 
Some questions to think about …

Fish where the fish are

Some customers take up so much of your time. For little reward. And the really great customers don’t. They just love what you do. How much easier would it be if you just worked with these valuable customers? 

Don’t talk about features and benefits

Most of us believe that we should talk about features and benefits. Your customers aren’t interested. So what are they interested in? Why? And what makes them buy?

Be genuinely different     
You've probably heard about a USP before. Being unique is hard. Being different takes real courage. So how do you stop your product from being a commodity? How can you focus on what really matters most to your customers? And how can you do that to beat your competitors?

Influence customer’s perception of pricing 

Do you wonder why some customers are more sensitive to prices than others? Why some will pay a higher price and others won’t? It’s not as mystical as you think. You have more influence than you imagine. So what pricing and psychological tactics can you use to win more business at a higher price?

Sell with confidence

Selling at higher prices can create barriers. We fear what customers will think. We lack confidence to ask for the price we want. We fear objections. We fear losing the sale. Somehow being expensive is a bad thing. Does it have to be this way? You can sell more, more often, at a higher price. But how?

Avoid giving it all away

You have a great product. You’re an expert. You get results for people. You’ve been brave and priced to your value. And asked the customer for the money. So why fall down at the last hurdle and negotiate it all away? How can you protect your pricing so all that hard work doesn’t go to waste?

If these questions have got you thinking, click here and we can discuss some more
Why are these questions important?

Answering them you'll uncover the simple truth that makes winning sales at a higher price reality. A simple truth based on mastering four skills. A simple truth that will increase your chances of success. 

Understand the skills that underpin this truth. Why these skills work. How to use them. When to use them. And uncover the secrets to achieving Pricing Power, be able to price without fear and achieve the profit you deserve.

But the skills alone are not enough

Ever played tennis, golf or cricket? Then you’ll know that hitting the ball in the middle of the racquet, club or bat gives you the most power. The same is true with selling at a higher price. 

There are four skills you need to master. And combine. They’ll reinforce each other to create your sweet spot. And get you the biggest impact on revenue and profit. Simpler, quicker and more effectively than any other way. 

I call this the Pricing Power sweet spot 

Hitting it will grow your profit more than you can imagine.
What are these four skills? 

If you don’t believe in the results you get neither will your customers. And if they don’t believe they won’t pay your price. Here’s how you can really create that belief. And never be undervalued again.

1 Discover and quantify value

Discover what’s really important to your customers. And what this is worth to them. Then be more valuable than anyone or anything else, on the things that really matter to your customers. Confidence in pricing and selling comes from an understanding of value.

2 Price without fear

Once you understand value you can price with confidence. No more guessing the price. No more wondering what the customer will think. No more stressing over asking for what you deserve. Being fearless about your price is a great feeling.

3 Powerfully communicate and sell value 

Knowing about value is one thing. We have to show the customer. They have to believe the results they can achieve. They have to believe we can get them those results better than anyone else. Do this and the sale becomes easier, faster and more enjoyable.

4 Negotiate with confidence and strength

Some people will always want a discount. Now you’re armed with all you need to resist this. If you can quantify your value. And prove the results you deliver for customers you can negotiate with confidence and strength. Which means you secure and protect your value. And your prices. 

Bringing the skills together

Each of these skills is powerful. Used together they become compelling. When combined they become irresistible. It’s not easy. It takes practice. Following a proven approach helps. 

When you achieve your Pricing Power sweet spot you’ll know

Interested to know how to combine these skills, let's talk, click here to set up a call.
Combine these skills to hit your Pricing Power sweet spot.

Imagine the confidence you get from knowing what your customer really wants. Being so clear about your proposition. Your difference. And the results you get your customers they just 'get' what you do. 

And because they 'get' what you do, winning sales becomes easier. You don't need to negotiate. Customers are happy to pay the price you’re asking.

Imagine. Achieving the profit levels your expertise, pride and passion deserve.

Imagine. Going from being frustrated, angry and annoyed to feeling appreciated, successful and fulfilled.

After all you’re great at what you do. 

My approach shows you how to develop these skills and hit your sweet spot. I’ll show you the most important things to focus on. What works and what doesn’t. The hidden secrets. The pitfalls to avoid. Getting you there quicker, easier with less risk and greater certainty.

Price without Fear, an innovative approach.

My approach shows you how to develop these skills and hit your sweet spot. I’ll show you the most important things to focus on. What works and what doesn’t. The hidden secrets. The pitfalls to avoid. Getting you there quicker, easier, with greater certainty and less risk.

You want...

A simple approach that’s effective.
Practical tools that work.
A process that’s repeatable.
The right habits.
And quick results.

What you don’t want...

Jargon filled academic theory.
Time consuming meetings.
The same solution as everyone else.

And most importantly you don’t need a 500 page manual to work it out.

What if… you enable your customer to discover what they really value. And the value of achieving a future desired outcome. What really matters to them.

What if… you’re able to create, communicate and deliver an offer in monetary and value terms that contributes to your customer’s success to a greater extent than anyone else.

What if… you priced your product to that value and never undervalued yourself.

What if… you had a sales process that builds greater value perception in the mind of your customer so that they’re willing to buy and pay the price you want.

And what if… you share in their success. Price to your value. You achieve the results you deserve. And earning what you’re really worth.

You can. There are 7 stages to hitting your sweet spot:

1 Understand what you’re capable of achieving.
2 Identify the most valuable customers.
3 Know how to uncover value.
4 Use the tactics of value based pricing.
5 Communicate and sell your value.
6 Negotiate with confidence and strength.
7 Achieve the results you deserve.

The question is… will this work for you?

The methods, tools and techniques are proven. Both academically and more importantly in practice. I’ll show you case studies where people and companies have made the transformation from fear to confidence. And are getting the results they deserve.

The answer is: Yes, it will work for you.

Understand the ideas. Mould them to your business. Take action and implement them. Be consistent. Over time you’ll evolve the approaches to suit you. New skills will become habits. The habits will become a way of life. A way of life will deliver sustainable results year after year.

Making sure it happens

I’ll give you the knowledge you need.

Take you through the practical ‘how to’ steps.

Help you build simple practical tools you can use. 

And make it stick.  

To achieve repeatable results faster, easier, more efficiently with greater certainty and less risk.

Like to know about the results my clients achieve, click here and I'll tell you.

You’ll achieve consistent results - why

  • Because the Pricing Power sweet spot approach is built on practical methods, techniques and tools that get results. It's a repeatable process. And because it's a repeatable process you get repeatable results, year after year after year.

  • Because you won’t get a standard response. I tailor my methods to your business. So it works for you. Not a one size fits all, pre-prepared, boxed up, ready made solution.

  • Because I take a long term approach. I work with you and your team to build your skills. So you and your team can do it on your own, forever.

Why me?

Most people struggle to come up with the right word, phrase or comment just when they need to. Or lack a process to follow to get the results they want. I’m no different. I’ve struggled too. It leaves you feeling frustrated, annoyed, you’ve let yourself down. And missed an opportunity. I know, I understand. 

Having the knowledge front of mind when you need it. Using your skills effectively ‘on demand’. Saying the right thing, in the right way at the right time takes work and practice.

We’re not born with these skills. With guidance on what works and what doesn’t we can develop them. I believe that everyone, in any business, in any sector, with the right knowledge, processes and tools can achieve the results they want. I want to provide that knowledge, those processes and those tools to help people achieve the results they want and deserve. 

For 20 years I’ve been helping marketing people create differentiation, product teams develop propositions, commercial teams increase the price of their products and sales people win more deals, quicker. And businesses make more profit.

An approach proven in multi-national and micro sized companies. An approach that’s delivered results for over 12 years. An approach that gets recommended.

• Don’t expect just any sales training. This approach is different. It’s focused on winning more sales, more often and at a higher price. Not just about closing deals. 

• This approach builds greater value perception in the mind of your customer. So they have greater 'willingness to pay’ and believe your price premium is worth paying for.

• It’s not a ‘secret formula’ or magic ingredient. My approach uses recognised theories and practices. Built into a practical programme. With a record of having an impact, achieving results and growing value.
• By using the four areas with the most impact you achieve the results you want faster, easier and more efficiently. And with greater certainty and less risk. 

Hit your Pricing Power sweet spot

If you’re ambitious, open minded, great at what you do. You want to compete on your expertise, differentiation and greater customer value… not on price.

Then learn how to Price without Fear

And achieve the profit you deserve, earn what you’re really worth and feel appreciated, valued and successful.

Stop being undervalued, earn what you're worth, get in touch now

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